The malicious link is shared on Whatsapp under the name of WhatsApp Pink. The link not only says to change theme color but also offers features to the users. Many Whatsapp users have received a link and forwarded it without knowing the purpose, while few of them reported about the pink link. A Cybersecurity expert Rajshekhar Rajaharia, said, The malicious WhatsApp Pink looks similar to the main app, so it is hard to find the difference. However, few things like Settings Menu look different. All the regular Whatsapp users will be knowing that the mentioned features are not a part of the official app.

— Rajshekhar Rajaharia (@rajaharia) April 17, 2021 Rajaharia shared some images from the malicious Whatsapp Pink Theme link that is being shared on the app. You can see the pictures shown in the tweet, the messaging app is shown in a pink color theme. However, this is not the official update rolled out by WhatsApp. So, beware of this Pink link, as it is created to install the malware on your device and you might lose your Whatsapp account. The main problem of spreading this information is, it is easily spreading via Whatsapp groups. Jiten Jain, a Cyber intelligence firm Voyager Infosec, said, According to Jiten Jain, the users should never install any APK or mobile app. Until it is available on the official App Store or Google Play Store. So, even if you receive any message of Pink Theme of Whatsapp, do not fall for it. Also, share this message with your friends.

Beware of WhatsApp Pink Theme Virus  it can Hack your Smartphone - 25