Hayden Mears
In last week’s episode, titled “The Green Council,” the families have finally split into two opposing sides, as blood has officially been spilled, and the war is about to begin. King Viserys Targaryen’s widow, Alicent Hightower, along with her children Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena, comprise the “greens.” Meanwhile, Viserys’ daughter Rhaenyra, her husband/uncle Daemon, and their allies form the “blacks.” The finale’s title, “The Black Queen,” suggests a Rhaenyra-centric episode. Everything is gearing up for a thrilling finale. Despite the hype surrounding House of the Dragon and “The Black Queen,” HBO has yet to comment on the leaks. This has been an ongoing problem for the company; in 2017, the entire seventh season of Game of Thrones found its way online months before its premiere, though this is the first time one has come this close to the episode’s premier. If you’re hankering for more House of the Dragon-related content ahead of the last episode of the first season, we have plenty, including guides on all small council members, did the baby die?, and why the Iron Throne looks different. Alternatively, feel free to check out the relevant links down below.

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For the Internet Is Dark and Full of Spoilers  House of the Dragon Season 1 Finale Has Leaked Online - 88