Recently, we have shared a news about CopyCat Malware that affected over 14 million devices worldwide and the authors of CopyCat malware have earned approximately $1.5 million by showing fraudulent ads. Now, security researchers at Palo Alto Network have found another malware that has the abilities to hack more than 40 popular apps. The good part is, the researchers claimed that the malware which goes by the name SpyDealer hasn’t been able to penetrate Google Play Store to spread itself. However, the researcher assumed that malware is circulating via compromised wireless networks of the Chinese users. SpyDealer malware has some unique capabilities like exfiltrating private data from more than 40 popular apps. The apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype, WeChat, Line, QQ, Viber, Tango, Firefox Browser, Telegram, Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, Android Native Browser, Open Brower, QQ Mail, NetEase Mail, Taobao, and Baidu Net Disk are targeted. SpyDealer malware ill-treats the popular Baidu Easy Root app to gain the root privileges and abuses the Android Accessibility Service feature to get messages from 40 popular apps. SpyDealer also records the IMEI, SMS, Contacts, WiFi information, Call History and other personal details saved in users phone. Not only these, the malware can also remotely control the device by using the UDP, TCP, and SMS channels. It can even take photos, record calls without user permission. So, SpyDealer malware has a complete control over the victim’s device. According to the latest reports, the 1046 samples of SpyDealer malware has been discovered and the malware is still active. For more details, you can visit the detailed article by Palo Alto Networks. So, what do you think about this? Share your views in the comment box below.